
The Indiana Department of Education requires all schools to administer the ILEARN state summative assessment this school year. All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students take ELA and Math tests; 6th grade students also complete a science test.   All students (those who are learning in person and those who are learning remotely) are required to report to school for in person testing. Our testing is scheduled to take place April 20th -April 28th. In order to maintain a safe learning environment, we will test most of our in- person students and our remote learner students on separate days. This will require our in -person students to remain at home to engage in eLearning on April 21st and April 26th. Please be aware that students who receive special testing accommodations may be scheduled to report to the building on various dates set up by the teacher of record.  We will follow the posted calendar .