During Homeroom this week, students will be forming goals to improve their grades and working on Khan Academy.
Due to weather, our wrestling meet scheduled for tonight has been rescheduled for tomorrow 1/23 at the same time. Please come out and support our wrestlers tomorrow for Senior Night.
Our FASFA Night is scheduled for this Wednesday (1/24) from 3 to 6 PM in the high school library. This event is for all senior parents. Please have your FSA ID completed prior to attending. More instructions for how to complete your FSA ID is attached to the email sent today. Please enter through door 23 of the high school for this event.
The ACC Open House will also be on Wednesday January 24th from 4 to 7 PM. This event is open to any current sophomores or juniors that are interested in enrolling in one of the ACC's 15 CTE programs. Please see the attached flyer in your email for more information.
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we have free take-home COVID-19 tests. If your child or a family member is experiencing COVID like symptoms, you may use the test as a screening tool. A message from the nurse will be sent out with more information on this topic.
Our school is continuously working to improve our student attendance and academic achievement. Students who are struggling with attendance or are not on pace to graduate with their class will be receiving a letter this week outlining stipulations of probation and/or additional resources available to help them succeed. To remind you of our additional resources, there is a tutoring resource guide attached to the the email sent today.
Congratulations to Willie White for winning Oiler of the Week last week. Teachers vote on Oiler of the Week by nominating students who they believe exemplify our five core values (self-advocacy, responsibility, self-discipline, grit, and growth mindset).
Thank you for your continued support of our school and community.
Have a great Oiler week!