Weekly Update

During Homeroom this week, students will be working on the individual growth plans in Khan Academy to help improve their PSAT/SAT scores. 

 Teachers will be sending home progress reports this week for any students who are failing their course. If your child comes home with a progress report, please be sure to sign it and have them return it to their teacher by Friday February 2nd. 

 Assignment Recovery will be starting back up next week for students who are failing a class and miss an assignment in that class. Assignment Recovery is from 3 to 4 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday every week for the rest of the quarter. Mondays are with Mr. Belyayev for Social Studies, Tuesdays are with Ms. Lopez or Mr. Popiela for English, Thursdays are with Ms. DeWald for electives or Mr. Long and Mrs. Morando for Science, and Fridays are with Mrs. Reese for Math. Even though Assignment Recovery is meant for students who are failing and miss assignments, any student who needs extra help is welcome to join. 

 The ACC Campus Tour is this Thursday February 1st. Sophomores who are interested in attending the ACC and turned in a permission slip will be attending this tour. 

 Congratulations to Rodolfo Sandoval, who won our Oiler of the Week last week. Teachers nominate students to be the Oiler of the Week by choosing those who exemplified our 5 core values (Self-advocacy, Responsibility, Self-discipline, GRIT, and Growth mindset). 

 Our boys basketball team plays Illiana Christian this Saturday at the Memorial Gym. JV starts at 1:00 and Varsity starts at 2:30. We hope to see you there. 

Thank you for your continued support of our school and community. Have a great Oiler day!