Student of the Week

Congratulations to Anna Acosta for being our Oiler of the Week last week.  Teachers vote for Oilers of the Week by choosing which of their students exemplified each of Whiting High School's five core values (Self-Discipline, Responsibility, Self-Advocacy, GRIT, and Growth Mindset).   Below is what teachers had to say about Anna.

Anna's strong work ethic is evident in the way she focuses on academics. She demonstrates self-discipline when she turns every assignment in on time, and she completes them accurately. She shows responsibility and accountability for her education by engaging in the learning process and addressing any mistakes if they are made. She shows responsibility by taking the opportunity to retake tests even if she only missed a question or two. Anna is proactive in voicing her needs and seeking assistance, demonstrating self-advocacy. Her positive outlook and determination in the face of obstacles showcase her growth mindset. She also will take the opportunity to re-submit work after correcting any mistakes showing her growth mindset.