Online Registration for all Current SCW students opens Monday 7/22 and will remain open until Tuesday 7/30. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
7 days ago, Cynthia Scroggins
Due to the freezing rain predicted overnight and dangerous icy conditions on roads and sidewalks during our morning arrival time, the SCW schools will be on a two hour delay, Tuesday January 23rd. All schools will start at 10am. NH morning Pre-K class is canceled. Our buses will be running the normal routes picking up students at the bus stops 2 hours later than your child's normal pick-up time. Please remember that breakfast is not served on 2 hour delay days. All essential staff should report to their buildings at normal start times unless contacted by your direct supervisor.
6 months ago, Cynthia Scroggins
With the continuation of severe cold weather conditions and dangerous wind chills of -20 to -30 predicted for tomorrow, the SCW will be on synchronous e-learning for Tuesday 1/16/24. Teachers will have their schedules and assignments posted to their google classroom sites by 8am tomorrow. Students should complete all work and follow their class schedules as posted. Teachers will be available from 8am-3pm to assist students., Pre-k classes are cancelled for the day. All extracurricular events and practices are cancelled. If you have any questions, please reach out to the school offices in the morning.
6 months ago, Cynthia Scroggins
In Person Registration for the 23/24 School Year will take place on Monday August 7th and Wednesday August 9th from 1-3:45 pm and 5-6:45 pm. All current and new students must participate in this registration event unless you have completed online registration. Parents must provide proof of residency with mortgage paperwork and/or lease agreement, and current utility bill. Students will have their ID pictures taken at registration and receive their schedules. Lunch assistance applications, update of medical forms, and other school forms will take place at this time. If you have any questions please visit the district website or call your child's school office.
almost 1 year ago, Cynthia Scroggins
Online registration for the 2023/2024 school year opens Monday July 24th and will remain open until Wednesday August 2nd. The online registration process is only available to current returning students . You will need your assigned parent access code in order to complete the process. To register online, please go to our website: and look for RDS Parent Access under the Parent links in the pull down menu. You will have to bring your valid proof of residency to your child's school office anytime from 8am-2pm on Tuesday August 8th or Thursday August 10th to obtain your child's schedule. Any parent completing online registration does not need to attend our in-person registration event on Monday August 7th or Wednesday August 8th. If you have any questions or need assistance with the process, please reach out to the school offices.
about 1 year ago, Cynthia Scroggins
The previously scheduled e-learning day for May 2nd is being changed to a regular in-person instructional day for all students and staff due to the cancellation of the May 2nd Municipal Primary Election in Whiting. Please note this on your school calendar at home. If you have any questions, please call your child's school office.
over 1 year ago, Cynthia Scroggins
Due to the predicted winter storm and possible hazardous driving conditions at dismissal, Friday March 3rd is an Asynchronous E-learning day for all students grades K-12. Teachers will have their assignments and office hours posted by 8am. All students are expected to log in and complete their attendance questions and assignments. Teachers will be available to help students during posted office hours and via email. Pre-K classes and all extracurricular activities are canceled for the day.
over 1 year ago, Cynthia Scroggins
Wednesday, October 19th, is Unity Day, an annual event occurring during National Bullying Prevention Month that promotes joining together to create healthier communities through kindness, acceptance of difference, and inclusion. We are encouraging students to wear orange, the color that represents anti-bullying and unity, and bring a dollar to donate to our local Whiting YMCA. All donations go towards scholarships to help students and families with financial assistance with programming and membership. Students will give the dollar to their 1st period teacher on Wednesday, October 19th.
almost 2 years ago, Erin Nolan-Higgins
Parents and Students of WMS, Because of the lifting of COVID protocols, we can return to normal entry. 7th-grade students can enter the building at door 16 on the first floor this year as they did last year. However, 6th and 8th-grade students should enter at Door 17. Last year 8th grade would come through Door 18. This is no longer necessary and we ask that 8th-grade students enter Door 17 as they have in the past. Thanks and we look forward to a great year!
almost 2 years ago, Cary McKay
Good afternoon everyone! I had posted this on our WMS Facebook page but wanted to share it on the Live Feed and to your phones. The software has now rolled over and I am able to send it to all current 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade parents. WMS Open House is on August 10th, 2022.
about 2 years ago, Cary McKay
Open House
Good morning! Summer school has come to an end today. Please look for a report to come home from your student. It is Pass/Fail report for math and reading. We look forward to seeing our returning students on August 11 and appreciate your help getting your student to summer school this year.
about 2 years ago, Cary McKay
End of Summer School
Good morning, Parents of Summer School students please look for a weekly report coming home from your child's teacher every Friday. There will also be a final report going on June 24. Thanks for your help.
about 2 years ago, Cary McKay
Good afternoon parents, Report cards are being mailed home today. Please look for them in the next few days to arrive. Ilearn scores, that students took in April/May will also be included in the envelope. There will also be information regarding registration, book rental, etc... Please return any documents that will be needed for the 2022-2023 school year.
about 2 years ago, Cary McKay
Report Cards
8th Grade Graduation
about 2 years ago, Cary McKay
8th Grade Graduation on 5/25/2022
Anthony Keown Memorial Reading Award Participants and Finalists
about 2 years ago, Cary McKay
Mrs. Thomas Presenting
Mrs. Thomas with Mrs. Keown and the finalists
Bike and Walk to Day is Friday, May 20. WMS students are encouraged to walk or bike on this day.
about 2 years ago, Whiting Middle School
Career Day Photos @WMS
about 2 years ago, Cary McKay
JA Chambertown Introduction
JA Chambertown Activity
Career Day Presenter
Career Day Presenter
Parents, Career Day is Wednesday, May 11 at Whiting Middle School. Teachers will be handing out Career Day T-shirts on Tuesday, May 10 to students. Please have your child wear the shirt on Wednesday. We will be taking pictures and posting them following the presentations on Wednesday. We look forward to a positive experience and appreciate your help with this. Show Less
about 2 years ago, Cary McKay
21st Century Event on Saturday, April 23.
over 2 years ago, Cary McKay
Parents, ILearn testing time is here. Students will be taking the practice test on Monday, April 11. The actual test will start on Monday, April 18 and continue to April 22. Students have to take the practice test before it will allow the student to take the actual test. It is very helpful to make sure your student(s) arrive at school on time on testing days. Students cannot enter the class late once testing has started. We appreciate your help with this.
over 2 years ago, Cary McKay
Ilearn Testing  is here